Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Ipad for Business Essay - 1925 Words
Ipad for Business (Essay Sample) Content: NameProfessorSubjectDate Ipad for Business (Explaining a Concept)Introduction The value which the iPad can add to the running of the operations of a given business enterprise cannot be compared to the financial outlay incurred in acquiring a gadget of such comparatively small size. The sophisticated nature of the features of the iPad can really change the image of a business using the same to serve its clients. Indeed, the iPad offers much to be discussed regarding the upgraded features of the conventional computers of the past generation, with the significance of these characteristic upgrades becoming more and more salient in the corporate arena. The concept of the iPad as an essential item in performing business operations as well as running corporate errands is explained herein. It is good to remember that, despite the praises that may be given to this revolutionary implement in enterprise running, it has its associative demerits that become vital to consider and a ddresses.The Mobile Revolution Perspective The iPad is classified as a gadget that is contemporarily influential in the shift toward full-time use of the tablet, with multiple industries making significant strides in reaping the innovativeness associated with this gadget. Numerous global business organizations and trade institutions are becoming relentless in adopting enterprise resource planning (ERP) on mobile implements (Gartner par. 1). The iPad possesses features that best fit such a move, since it is has unique high profile applications and it is highly portable. That being the case, many business executives become intrigued in asking themselves why they should be lagging as the other progress in taking the full advantage of a gadget that has progressively entered the big leagues. Even so, it has come to the attention of Gartner that the global corporate get involved in the deployments without engaging comprehensive strategies for mobility. For this reason, it is necessary to remember that, while implementing the use of the iPad for such purpose, the best practices that optimize ERP mobility investments should be embraced globally.The Business Modeling Merit It may be asked if business operators in the corporate are really aware of what they could be missing from failure to use iPads in their tasks. The response to the query definitely reveals that there is something that is missed in dwelling on the PC computers and even the conventional laptops instead of utilizing the iPads. Innovative business modeling is an operation that is usually enhanced by electronic readers, something that suggest an iPad can serve best in such engagement. There is an increase in the search for solutions that meet the augmented demand of developing and delivering content in digital form, something noted in publishing businesses in Europe and America (Raphael and Christoph 13). This requires the proper designing of a business model, which can effectively be achieved by empl oying e-readers such as the iPad and the Kindle. From this, it is clear that there is a great merit that is usually forfeited by failing to utilize iPads in business operations.This having been said, there are some concerns that emerge from the imperative advocacy for running almost all business operations from mobile devices such as the iPad. It is felt by enterprise executives that it is good practice to make the mobile operation move, but the challenge is that many do not yet know where to start. There are also various obstacles that hamper success in this, an example being the persistent reliance on outdated processes that are expensive and time consuming (Raphael and Christoph 13). Another challenge that is notable as far as a shift towards using mobile gadgets to control and run enterprise operations is the mobile development application and internet security pitfalls such as vulnerability to hackers (Gartner par. 5). Nonetheless, if only the executives would be more flexibl e to the new developments and be updated regarding new applications, the use of iPads should not be perceived as challenging. The only addition at this juncture is that training is essential in situations where the operations regarding sophisticated iPad applications are to be delegated for security purposes. The iPad and Business Collaboration The contemporary world is experiencing augmented international interactions, coupled with a perpetual globalization of almost every aspect of life. The corporate sector is not left behind, meaning that collaboration has become an important term in the mouths of corporate stakeholder and shareholders. This is evident at the local as well as at the global level, making it desirable for the involved parties to feel as near to each other as possible for collaboration efficiency. So the question that comes in is in this particular setup is about the means through which this global nearness of the parties is achievable. This is where the signi ficance of the mobile devices, and hence that of the iPads is appreciated. With this device, communication across borders is simplified and at the same time, valuable business information and interactive corporate progress insights are shared. But someone will argue that, with a mobile phone, all the above are attainable. This might not be the case owing to the fact that there are business packages that require the unique features and critical capabilities of the iPads applications are near to every one located at different corners of the world. The Apple iPad is one of the rich mobile devices that have raised user accessibility to the world, thus shaping the anticipation of business collaboration planners on mobility effect on collaboration (Gartner par. 4).Collaborations or partnerships that add no value to the enterprise are costly, meaning that its value addition should be the chief objective of collaboration in the corporate arena. Raphael and Christoph (2) say that partnershi p in value creation systems is one of the techniques that businesses can employ in addressing the apparent challenges of trade-offs between innovation benefits and costs. Value addition is achieved by a business that continually upgrades its systems, and it is hard to mention system upgrade without mention the term technology. The iPad is one item of radical technological advancement, meaning that it is an item that any business cannot afford to operate without. However, it is good to appreciate that an iPad is not a franchise, and therefore without being in the possession of one is not an implication that businesses cannot run their operations. The Time Saver Outlook One of the most valuable resources in business is time, which upon proper management shapes productivity and profitability an enterprise. This is to state that there should be a planned effort geared towards ensuring that this resource is adequately managed for its value to be realized. Executives in business need to i ncorporate and integrate systems that foster this, and the iPad is one of the components of such system. With an iPad, it is possible to instantaneously give the desired feedback right from a car pack as if it is from an office. This enhances promptness in deliveries, sales executions, stock supply control and branding modifications. In other words, customer relationship management becomes an easy task, just because an iPad was put into use at some instance. Gartner appreciates the same sentiment by noting e-commerce, mobile for sales and client service as essential constituents emanating from the customer relationship management applications (par. 15). It can thus be inferred at this point that the iPad is a time saver gadget, thus essential in business applications. The element of time saving can be doubtful at times owing to the fact that it is tempting to spend much time browsing. This is argued from the perspective that the iPad is a browsing tool that exposes an individual to close proximity to the cyberspace at any locality. There are those who may feel that the iPad brings attendants closer to the internet than any other mobile device, making them concentrate on social media applications while they should be addressing clients orders or promotion catalogues. This cancels out the idea that an iPad is a time saver and indeed classifies it as a time wasting or consuming in gracious terms. Raphael and Christoph (5) maintain that standard communication technologies should be in such a manner that they transmit real-time feedback between the designers and the sh...
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