Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Planning and Strategic Management Essay

Management Chapter 10 Planning and Strategic Management Planning Overview Importance of Goals: Goals provide a sense of direction Goals focus our efforts Goals guide our plans and decisions Goals help us evaluate our progress The importance of planning at organizations The Hierarchy of Organization Plans Strategic Plans – Plans designed to meet an organization’s board goals. Operational Plans – Plans that contain details for carrying out, or implementing, those strategic plans in day-to-day activities. How Strategic and Operational Plans Differ Strategic Plans Operational Plans Time Horizons Strategic plans tend to look ahead several years or even decades For Operational plans, a year is often the relevant time period Scope It affects a wide range of organizational activities It has a narrow and more limited scope Degree of Detail Strategic plans are stated in terms that look simplistic and generic Operational plans are stated in relatively finer detail The Evolution of the Concept of Strategy Strategy: The board program for defining and achieving an organization’s objectives; the organization’s response to its environment over time. Strategic Management: The management process that involves an organization’s engaging in strategic planning and then acting on those plans. for attaining objectives The process of seeking key ideas ( rather than routinely implementing existing policy); and How strategy is formulated, not Just what the strategy turns out to be The Strategic Management Approach Dan Schendel and Charles Hofer have suggested four key aspects of Strategic Management- 1) Goal Setting 2) Strategy Formulation 3) Administration 4) Strategic Control The Strategic Management process Strategic Planning – includes both the goal-setting and strategy-formulation processes. Strategy Implementation – involves with action based decisions. Levels of Strategy: Some key Distinctions Corporate-level strategy: Strategy formulated by top management to oversee the interests and operations of ultiline corporations. Business-unit strategy: Strategy formulated to meet the goals of a particular business; also called line-of- business strategy. Functional-level strategy: Strategy formulated by a specific functional area in an effort to carry out business- unit strategy. The Corporate Portfolio Approach Portfolio framework – An approach to corporate-level strategy advocated by the Boston Consulting group; also known as the BCG matrix.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lab Report Template

————————————————- [Overtype title of experiment here] ————————————————- Experiment conducted on [overtype date of experiment here] ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- Module title: EUC_4_005 Design and Practice ————————————————- Occurrence Number: [Overtype your occurrence Number here] ——†”—————————————-Lab Group Number: [Overtype your lab group number here] ————————————————- Course: [Overtype name of course here] ————————————————- ————————————————- Student Name: [Overtype your name here] ————————————————- Student Number: [Overtype student number here] [overtype month and year here] London South Bank University Department of Urban Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment 103 Borough Road, London, SE1 0AA www . lsbu. ac. uk ContentsThe tables of contents for main text, tables and figures below are created by field codes. Do not edit them, but press F9 to update them. This red text is non-printing text Contents2 List of Tables2 List of Figures2 List of Appendices2 Summary3 Chapter 1Introduction4 Notes on writing the report4 Notes on using the template4 Chapter 2Apparatus and experimental procedure6 ApParatus6 Experimental Procedure6 Chapter 3Calculations and results7 Chapter 4Analysis and Discussion8 Chapter 5Conclusion9 References10 List of Tables Table 1. 1 This is table title style5 List of Figures Figure 1. This is figure title style5 List of Appendices Type below the Appendix letter and title of appendix for any appendices you have created in the manner as per the example below. If you have not used any Appendices, delete this part of the contents. This red text is non-printing text Appendix ATitle of Appendix A Summary You need to provide a structured summary of no more than 200 wor ds. Write up to two sentences against each of the parts of the abstract as indicated below. Aim of the experiment: summarise the aim of the experiment Methodology: the equipment and methodology employedResults: key results obtained Conclusion: your thoughts on what you achieved Introduction This chapter should explain the aims and objectives of the laboratory experiment and then briefly highlight the theory and background of the subject, and the relevancy and possible applications of the experiment. Refer to and cite relevant references. You should provide an overview of what is to come in the rest of the report in the final paragraph. You should save a copy of this template for reference purposes as it provides instructions on how to use the template.You should then use the template by overtyping. The rest of this chapter provides instruction on the use of the template. You should print a copy of the template as it now stands and this will from your ‘instruction manualâ€℠¢ for using the template. The you can overtype into the template. Notes on writing the report The laboratory report must use this template, be readable, informative and supported by high quality diagrams, graphs, tables as required. Write the report in the passive voice (as you have been taught in communications classes. Pay close attention to grammar and spelling.Use the past tense for describing the test that was undertaken, and the present tense for the outcomes and conclusions, again, as you have been taught in the communications classes. Always complete your report in good time and give it a very good proof read before submission. Although the laboratory data, and maybe some laboratory observations, are the same for all members of your laboratory group, make sure that the report represents your own thoughts, and in particular, the calculations and results, discussion and analysis, and conclusions should be your very own.Do not copy anything from either the laboratory sheets, ot her people or other sources. This is theft (also called plagiarism) and will not be tolerated. You should never need to include quotes from other sources. We do not usually do this in technical writing. If, however, you think you have to copy a sentence from somewhere else, then you should make clear that it is copied by putting it in speech marks and quoting the reference source and include it in the list of references in the references section. Notes on using the template StylesThis template uses styles The template uses styles and the following list summarises the names and specification of each style: Chapter heading (Style: Heading 1): verdana 12pt bold block capitals, keep with next line. Subheading (Style: Heading 2): verdana 10pt bold block capitals, keep with next line. Subheading (Style: Heading 3): verdana 10pt bold, keep with next line. Abstract text (Style: normal): verdana 10pt single line spacing. Main body text (Style: numbered para): verdana 10pt 1. 5 line spacing, paragraph numbers, one line spacing at end of paragraph. Bullet points (Style: bullet points: verdana 10pt 1. line spacing. Table text (Style: Table): verdana 9pt single line spacing. Figure title (Style: Figure Title): verdana 10pt bold, keep with next line. Table title (Style: table Title): verdana 10pt bold, keep with next line. Margins 2. 5cm all round. Page number at the bottom centre of each page. Styles are selected from the boxes in the home tab. Chapter numbers are generated automatically. Table and figure numbers need to be typed in manually. It is usual to number them with the chapter number followed by a full stop followed by a consecutive number within each chapter.To work with styles, you should work in WORD with the paragraph mark ( ¶) showing. Losing the paragraph number may occur if you hit the carriage return twice. Simply select the text where the paragraph number has been last and reselect the style â€Å"numbered para†. Tables and Figures To insert a ta ble use the usual ‘Table’ option from the ‘insert’ menu, then select the table and convert it to the ‘Table’ style. To look neat, ensure the margins of the table are within the margins of the text and carefully choose which borders to mark with lines. Use ‘Table Title’ style for table titles. Table 1. 1 This is table title style | Description| Description| Row title| Data| Data| Row title| Data| Data| Total| total| Total| Figure titles use the Figure title style. The paragraph the figure is inserted against should be in ‘Normal’ style. Figure 1. 1 This is figure title style It is best to centre the figure, and to size it so that it is within the margins of the text. Note that every table and figure should be introduced in the text before it occurs. It should then be commented on and evaluated in the text after it has occurred.You are the writer, you cannot expect the reader to interpret the tables and figures: that is your job as the writer. Apparatus and experimental procedure ApParatus List and describe the apparatus and other relevant background equipment used to perform the experiment. A diagram or photograph with superimposed names of parts may help. Experimental Procedure You should describe the procedure that you followed to perform the laboratory experiment. In particular, mention differences from the anticipated procedure as described on the handout.For example, you may need to explain in finer detail than is described on the laboratory briefing sheet the complexity of operation of the laboratory experiment. You should detail the assessments of risk that may have been undertaken before undertaking the laboratory, together with the approach taken to minimise the probability of those risks occurring and the magnitude of any consequences of them occurring. You may also need to illustrate the experimental procedure. Calculations and results This section should report all essential calculatio ns using the appropriate formulae and units.If there are repeated calculations, then show only one typical calculation on the data obtained from the experiment and present this result with the other results obtained from, for example, your use of a spreadsheet. Any detailed and lengthy calculations should be attached as an appendix. In this section, you are expected to present the data and results in tables, graphs, and the results from spreadsheets as appropriate indicating the major results obtained from such experiment. Analysis and DiscussionIn this section, which is the most important part of your report, you should present a thorough examination of your results and the behaviour of the test as well as tested materials, and you should compare that with the theoretical and ‘standard’ values and behaviour stated in related sources such as textbooks and manuals. You should also state the main outcomes in terms of your learning from the experiment and any reflections o n your knowledge. Conclusion and Recommendations The conclusions should be brief and stated in concise statements based on your analysis and discussion.It is important to refer to the major findings and results by values. It may be suitable to mention here any possible improvements to the experiment and its outcome and any possible further work or investigations. References The reference list should contain an alphabetical listing of reference sources according to References should be in accordance with help sheet 30, available from the following url: http://www. lisa. lsbu. ac. uk/helpsheets/hs30. pdf. * * Appendix A Title of the appendix (For raw data, laboratory observations and detailed calculations). *

Monday, July 29, 2019


Foley effects are sound effects added to the film during post production (after the shooting stops). They include sounds such as footsteps, clothes rustling, crockery clinking, paper folding, doors opening and slamming, punches hitting, glass breaking, etc. etc. In other words, many of the sounds that the sound recordists on set did their best to avoid recording during the shoot. The boom operator's Job is to clearly record the dialogue, and only the dialogue. At first glance it may seem odd that we add back to the soundtrack the very sounds the sound recordists tried to exclude.But the key word here is control. By excluding these sounds during filming and adding them in post, we have complete control over the timing, quality, and relative volume of the sound effects. For example, an introductory shot of a biker wearing a leather Jacket might be enhanced if we hear his Jacket creak as he enters the shot – but do we really want to hear it every time he moves? By adding the fole y sound fx in post, we can control its intensity, and fade it down once the dialogue begins.Even something as simple as boots on gravel can interfere with our comprehension of the dialogue if it s recorded too loudly. Far better for the actor to wear sneakers or socks (assuming their feet are off screen! ) and for the boot-crunching to be added during Foley. How is Foley Done? Foley is usually performed by Foley artists. Ideally they stand on a Foley stage (an area with a variety of possible surfaces and props) in a Foley studio (a specialized sound studio), though any post production sound studio will do with a little modification.The Foley artists can clearly see a screen which displays the footage they are to add sound fx to, and they perform their sound effects while watching this creen for timing. The actions they perform can include walking, running, Jostling each other, rubbing their clothing, handling props, and breaking objects, all while closely observing the screen to ens ure their sound fx are appropriate to the vision. Increasingly, many simple Foley sound fx are done without Foley artists – the sound effects are stored electronically and performed by the post production sound engineer on a keyboard while watching the visual.Done poorly this type of â€Å"Foley† sounds bland and repetitive, and it is nowhere near as flexible as the real thing, but t is much cheaper than renting a Foley stage and paying Foley artists to create the foley sound effects. Why do we Bother with Foley? Without Foley, a film sounds empty and hollow – the actors seem to be talking in a vacuum. The sound recordist, if they did a good Job, has given us the dialogue and excluded everything else, but our films needs more than this for the picture to come alive.We need to hear the little sounds of clothes, furniture, etc – but we need to control those sound effects so they don't obscure any of the dialogue. Another historical film seems lifeless when it is screened without sound, and adding foley to it elps bring those long dead images to life. Next time you watch a history documentary that uses silent archival footage, listen closely and you should hear at least minimal Foley sound fx, mostly footsteps, behind the narration. Foley can also be used to enhance comedy or action scenes.Watch most comedy films and you'll notice that many of the sounds are enhanced for comic effect, and sometimes the Foley sound is the Joke. As for action, most fist fghts do not involve the actors really hitting each other, and even if they did we would not be able to record a satisfying punch sound. By punching and variously molesting such objects as cabbages, celery and sides of beef, Foley artists can record unique and much more ‘realistic' action sounds. What is Foley and Why Should You Care? What is Foley and Why Should You Care?Here's everything you need to know about Foley. Foley effects are sound effects that are easier and more efficie nt to perform to picture. You project the movie in a studio and one or two people actually perform the sound effects to the picture. The sound effects are recorded live and are used in the final movie. The most common Foley sound effects are foot steps and clothing rustle. Some specific effects are actually much easier to do in Foley than cutting them individually. In Finding Forrester, there were lots of scenes with basketballs.The main character was a high school basketball player. It was much easier for us to have the Foley artists do the basketball dribbling for the movie then to sync each basketball hit by itself. Foley is used mostly when you have to deliver a foreign mix of your movie. You use Foley footsteps when you can't use the footsteps on the production recordings because you have to remove the dialog so that it can be dubbed into whatever language a particular country uses. We had the basketball effects on the dialog (or production) tracks and they were in sync.If ther e was any conversation going on during any of the dribbling, then when it came time to deliver the foreign version of the sound mix, we couldn't use any of the production basketball effects. There was dialog on it. In the case of Far From Heaven, the Todd Haynes film, Todd wanted us to do all of the Foley footsteps so they sounded like they came from a sound library that was put together in the 1950s. In fact, he wanted all of his sound to sound like it was from the 1950s and this was a studio picture. That was a challenge. Any time you do a period film it's a challenge.I had to find telephone effects with bell ringers, typewriters, and real V8 automobile engines. Most sound libraries don't have these effects anymore. And finding the real thing can be tough. As a sound designer, you learn to be resourceful trying to find some of these effects. We went out and recorded some old automobiles to get some realistic sounds of heavy old car doors closing. I mean, let's face it, a 55 Buick door certainly sounds a lot different from a Honda door. But back to Foley. If you're doing a small ndependent movie, the odds are you're not going to use much Foley.With Kicking Bird, I did all of the Foley myself with two of the effects editors, and we recorded it effects right in the editing room. I knew exactly what I needed, so I Just did the effects that were absolutely necessary. I had decided all of the running sequences would be done to music so I didn't even worry about doing footsteps for the runners. That would have driven me crazy if I had to do all of that. I Just fgured out what I needed to get the Job done and did exactly what I needed. Since I was going to be doing some f the mixing myself, and after 20 years of doing this, I knew what I needed and what I didn't.It may have passed you by, but the packaging for cornflour is changing – and, in one tiny part of the British film industry, it has created panic. Foley artists are responsible for beefing up a film's background noise – to make it sound as â€Å"real† as dialogue. For instance, they recreate the sound of a bird flapping its wings by blowing up a pair of kitchen gloves and then slapping them together in time with the action on screen. And, by squeezing paper cornflour packets tightly together, they recreate the sound of somebody walking on now. But now theyre starting to pack cornflour in tins. And tins won't do.When directors shoot a film, theyre worried about capturing the action and the actor's voice. Nothing else. Not the sound of a sword scraping against a tree, or a court shoe tiptoeing across a marble floor. Well, the sword is probably made of plastic – and the â€Å"marble† floor is probably painted plywood. So, when it comes to the edit, things don't sound like they're supposed to. Which is where the Foley artist comes in – to make the film sound â€Å"real†. A few years ago Alex Joseph, one of the countrys premier Foley uperviso rs, was asked to recreate the sound of a head being chopped off for Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven. Some people would have gone with a watermelon,† he tells me. â€Å"Or a frozen cabbage. † Instead, Joseph opted for green coconut: â€Å"The outside is fibrous. So it cuts like skin. And the hard shell sounds like bone. Inside is the Jelly, which sounds like blood. When you slice into it, it sounds Just like a human head. I imagine. † When Joseph is using organic material, he will buy or cut it on the day of recording. That's because, in the rarefied world of Foley, a plant that was picked two ays ago will sound different from one picked five days ago.For the scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire, where Harry has to negotiate a living maze, Joseph says he went to great lengths to get â€Å"the sound of a privet maze and all its nuances – it had to sound alive and dangerous†. For Quantum of Solace, Joseph hired in some scaffolding and mocked u p a Tuscan roof with tiles that he bought on eBay. And, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, he actually Jumped into a makeshift swimming pool with a sack of Nutrient Agar powder to make sure the chocolate river sounded thick enough. l was swimming about in the stuff all day,† he says. But it was very gloopy. I had to take four showers to get it all off. † Related Articles Sound of Hollywood could soon be virtual 030 Jul 2010 over 2 you 013 Jul 2005 The art of sound began in 1927 – when Universal employee Jack Foley helped turn the film studio's â€Å"silent† Show Boat into a full-on musical extravaganza. Because microphones could only pick up on dialogue, Foley had to add in the other sounds later. He projected the film onto a screen and recorded the footsteps, the movement, people. He acted out the film, all over again. Digital has made the business of Foley much easier.In the early days, the â€Å"sync† was fundamental – the sound had to m atch exactly what was going on. Now, it can be manipulated to fit. Technology has moved on, but Foley is still all about the â€Å"performance†. â€Å"A Foley artist can be playing a big brute one minute and a cute little girl the next,† says Joseph. â€Å"A footstep is not Just a footstep – it can be angry, happy, sad, confused, clumsy, slick, swaggering, light, heavy, wet, dry, young, old, male, female, slutty, sophisticated†¦ the list goes on. It's the performance that gets across the meaning to the viewers.And that performance could only ever come from the human mind. † Down a tiny lane, in the Buckinghamshire countryside, is the only studio in Britain to specialise solely in Foley. From the outside, Universal Sound looks like the home of a successful accountant. There's a swimming pool in the basement, where the audio effects for Narnia were recorded, and the sounds for the Harry Potter computer games. In the middle of the house is the heart of the operation – three studios, with bunker-thick walls. The main studio of Universal Sound looks like a student bedsit.In one corner there's a car door, eat and steering wheel. In another there's a kitchen. There's also a bathroom and a living room with a sofa. â€Å"Each Job brings a new prop,† says Foley artist Paul Hanks. And, by the looks of it, they never leave. There's a suit of armour that Hanks wore for the fantasy series Game of Thrones, while Simon Trundle, Foley mixer, hit him with a mace. Running along the wall of the studio, a Canadian miniseries is playing out in stop-start chunks. Hanks watches, and listens, picking out the important sounds.He then starts again, and records the Foley. Right now he's struggling with the sounds of able football. If this was a different project – with a different budget – he would have rented a table. Instead, he's ramming the handle of a broom into the spring mechanism of a toaster. â€Å"Too tinny,† s ays Trundle. There's no brief from the director of the Canadian miniseries. So it's up to Hanks and Trundle to decide what needs to be recorded – and how. The best Foley allows for five days to produce a 20-minute film sequence – Hanks needs to have this 50-minute episode finished today.The action culminates in a car, pulling up at speed, as a protagonist runs away. Hanks eaches for his box of â€Å"surfaces†, which contains everything from sand to gravel. He runs his suede gloves across Tarmac to recreate the sound of tyres. He then roots around in a box of shoes for â€Å"running†. He doesn't match what the protagonist is wearing on screen – they wouldn't sound right. miou don't often walk in leather-soled shoes,† says Hanks. â€Å"Theyre too click click. Desert boots are better. † Foley is the director's friend. Often more than 80 per cent of film dialogue isn't recorded â€Å"clean†.Maybe there was noise in the distance â₠¬  a car, for instance. Foley can cover that up. It can fill in blanks, too. â€Å"l remember on The Darling Buds of May,† says Hanks, â€Å"the story required there to be a horse in the stables behind the camera. But they had forgotten to film it. So they created the feeling' that there was another horse – with sound. † Foley can also be used to rectify a continuity problem. If an actor is holding a file, but then forgets to bring it back into shot, a Foley artist can insert the sound of the file being put away off camera.Joseph is in the studio next door, overseeing the Foley on Outside Bet, Bob Hoskins's latest offering. Joseph has been responsible for he Foley on a wide range of film and television. But he still finds it a weird world. You do hear some stories about people doing horrible things to vegetables. † Foley artists need imagination. â€Å"l go around Chinese supermarkets and select rather odd fruit and vegetables – things with odd te xtures,† says Joseph. He likes to use the scaly skin of a dragon fruit, for instance, as the scaly skin of a dragon. And for the floating books in Harry Potter, I went down the Charing Cross Road in London to buy a lot of antique books. A newer book Just wouldn't have made the same sound. Joseph even reworked classic Abba songs on Mamma Mia! , convincing a sceptical Benny Andersson to allow him to re-record the tunes with Foley artists cavorting in the dancers' clothes. Maybe it's because of his training as a psychologist, but Joseph is interested in subliminal messaging. â€Å"Like the way Derren Brown flashes subliminal images to tell you something. But I use sound instead. It's a bit of a dark art. And one that he's convinced will become ever more prevalent in the next few years, in computer games, for example. miou can really play with people's heads,† he says. mfou ould be implanting things that shouldn't be there. I set up characters before theyVe even appeared in a game. Bad guys make a nasty sound, so that when they run on screen, before you even hear them speak, youVe attached some psychological value to them. But you're given the information in your subconscious. † The work that Joseph is most proud of is the entire opening of Casino Royale.It's a high-energy sequence, involving Bond and a villain chasing across a mess of girders and construction materials. â€Å"Most of what dominates the soundtrack of that sequence is Foley,† says Joseph. It was quite a â€Å"literal† piece of Foley, and Joseph started by ordering four huge steel girders from a builder's merchant. It then took five Foley artists to get the girders into the studio. The team then stuck microphones onto the girders – one at each end – with microphones on two Foley artists who then â€Å"recreated† the chase sequence in the studio. It all went brilliantly,† says Joseph. â€Å"But I'm afraid the girders are still stuck in the studio. † Foley doesn't begin and end in the studio – artists like to listen out wherever they go. Which is why Joseph ended up recording his own dental ork – â€Å"l record anything that I don't have in the library. â€Å"When he was doing the Foley for Cold Mountain, the Anthony Minghella film set at the end of the American Civil War, Joseph hung out at a Wild West village near Gatwick. â€Å"As long as it was early in the morning,† he says, â€Å"before the planes started taking off. Foley is bespoke, which is why Foley artists hate the stock nature of off-the-shelf library sound effects. Take the so-called Wilhelm scream – a sound effect first used in 1951 for the film Distant Drums. It has become Hollywood's go-to shriek. It's a cinematic sound clich © – Joke among sound designers – and has now been used in well over 200 movies, including everything from Star Wars to Transformers. â€Å"If you watch 30 films,† says Jos eph, â€Å"l guarantee that you'll hear 100 sounds youVe heard before. After a while it's annoying.It's not Just the Wilhelm scream. There's a fox you hear in Just about every film – including Gladiator, in the middle of a desert, even though it's a fox from the UK. I suppose there's nothing wrong with it, but that's what I like about Foley. It's absolutely unique in every film. † ball hitting ball ball going into pocket Foley does not cover sounds like car engines, explosions or other mechanical stuff – driving a car around in the studio or blowing up a building is usually not possible although we have tried!We don't do birds, laser blasts, dog barks or rain storms either! These are the domain of the Sound FX Editor who draws upon a sampled Sound FX library and computer technology. Everything from helicopters to thunder can be layered and mixed in to an SFX track. FX Workstation While a Sound Editor can do very precise and repeatable effects, they have a harder time when it comes to footsteps for example, since every step is different and unique, he pace changes and the mood of the step is always different.With a good pair of shoes and years of practice, a Foley Artist can perform an actors walk perfectly on the first take while making it sound natural! In fact, one of the great ironies of Foley is that if you can tell it's Foley, then it isn't very good! My Job is to make the sound so real that the audience would never know it wasn't. C'est domage†¦ An Example†¦ Let's say in a scene the actor grabs his gun, walks to his motorcycle, starts it up and drives away†¦ Foley would recreate the sound of the leather Jacket and Jeans as the actor walks, ootsteps (heavy cowboy boots! , the gun pickup and handling, handlebar grab and bike moves – and maybe some key sounds as he puts them in the lock. 0 The Sound FX Editor would create the roar of the motorcycle engine starting and driving away, a tire squeal and background ambi ances (birds, wind etc. )0 In an ADR studio the actor would rerecord his line, â€Å"I'll be back†¦ â€Å", which was inaudible on location with the motorcycle engine running. The Dialogue Editor would conform the production and ADR into one. When played together, the tracks produce a seamless tapestry of sound.

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 12

Strategic management - Essay Example The report starts by giving an initial overview of the company, followed by the reports objectives. The major objectives of the report were to analyze the company’s operation and the strategies followed by the company, an industry analysis of the company followed by a macro-economic environment analysis. The company has been performing exceptionally well since its inception and lately it surpassed the revenue figure of its major competitors GAP. The primary purpose of this Management Report is to provide an analysis of the strategic situation of Zara, the clothing retailer. This report further examines the manner in which the organization operates and also provides a good picture of its potential for growth and development. Zara is a renowned brand and flagship chain store of Inditex Group. It has gradually gained major popularity since its first store was opened in Spain. â€Å"The company is known for needing just two weeks to develop a new product and get it to stores, compared with a six-month industry average, and launches around 10,000 new designs each year. Zara has resisted the industry-wide trend towards transferring fast fashion production to low-cost countries†. (Zara, The objective of this report is to examine the business operation of Zara over the last few years and to collect enough evidence supporting the Case Study â€Å"Zara – A Cut Apart From Competition†. The case Study has put forward the manner in which the company has operated in recent years and the fact that it took many long years for Zara to cross the leading America brand GAP and become the global leader in the fashion and clothing industry. Such an analysis is done by examining a few things; Zara has operated with an aggressive policy towards the business. It has proven many theories wrong, theories related to economies of scale, supply chain, etc. The company’s operation can be

Sunday, July 28, 2019

1st and 2nd amendments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

1st and 2nd amendments - Essay Example 1st and 2nd amendments The first amendment is very important because it demonstrates the framers intention of making America a truly democratic state by providing several individual rights to its citizens. It first clause makes religion a subject of individual preference and thus coercion to follow the doctrines one particular religion is a state offence. The second clause endorses free speech and makes freedom of speech a legal right of its citizens. The third clause ensures constitutional right to citizens of the states to present a petition to the government to redress their grievances. It also gives them the right to make their protest in group demonstrations, held peacefully. The first amendment thus advocates strongly for freedom of religion and freedom of expression thereby not only making free religion and freedom of speech a legal right but also legitimizing peaceful mass demonstration against any injustice. Watergate Scandal has been one the most famous case where freedom of speech and expression was used by the press to expose President Nixon which resulted in his impeachment. In the famous case Edwards v Aguillard, 1986, the religious doctrines and ideas, called creation-science, were taught in the name of science and scientific facts under the act ‘The Louisiana Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act’ in complete violation of the amendment. It was challenged by a group of scientists and became one of the landmark cases in the history of Louisiana.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Eating Attitude Test Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Eating Attitude Test - Research Paper Example A changed nutritional condition in individuals with eating disorders arises from the irregular or unusual eating patterns and attitudes and cognitive changes associated with the weight and food that are the main attributes of such disorders. Since eating attitudes and related behaviors differ considerably across patients and disorders, nutritional condition and consequent problems show significant variation. Nevertheless, a model for carrying out and assessing the nutritional evaluation of these patients can be helpful. Such a feature of assessment is a major part of the diagnosis for it allows continuous observation of the outcomes or impact of the intervention. Furthermore, it could help in the timely diagnosis of an emerging eating disorder or an at-risk person and hence could contribute to prevention. Due to the dominant belief that medical interviews are needed for diagnosis, self-assessment questionnaires evaluating such areas could be most helpful when used as screening instruments, as quantitative measures of the extent of eating-connected symptoms, and as indices of treatment effects and advancement. Among the instruments utilized for assessing eating-connected symptoms are Eating Attitudes Test (EAT); the Binge Eating Scale; and the EDI Symptom Checklist. Each instrument has been used in both research and medical settings and has been proven valid and reliable. The EAT was initially constructed to evaluate behaviors and attitudes typical of anorexic people. It not merely differentiates anorexic subjects from control groups but also differentiates bulimic ones from controls.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Medication Errors V.S Bar Coding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Medication Errors V.S Bar Coding - Essay Example In an analysis of 334 medication errors from II acute care wards, 39 % of the problems were judged to occur during physician ordering, 12% during transcription and verification, 11% during pharmacy dispensing and 38% during nursing administration (Patterson 2002). The intravenous (IV) administration of drug is a complex process and errors frequently occur. For example, in a recent study on 10 wards in the two UK hospitals it was found that errors occurred in almost half the IV drug preparations and administrations, 1% of which were severe and 58% moderate. The main findings of the study are as follows: An error rate of 73% occurred when giving bolus doses (172 errors in 235 observed administrations). An error rate of 14% occurred when preparing drugs that required multiple steps (50 errors in 345 observed multiple step preparations). An ethnographic study was conducted to investigate IV drug errors in two UK hospitals. This research method offers the advantage that the context can be explored at the time of the error and many of the conditions, which contribute to errors, as outlined by human error theory, can be identified in this context. A purposive sampling strategy was used to collect data in different hospital settings. A trained and experienced observer accompanied nurses during IV drug rounds on 10 wards in two hospitals (one University teaching hospital and one non-teaching hospital) in the UK. Information came from observation and talking informally to staff. Human error theory was used to analyze the causes of IV error. Both hospitals operated a typical ward pharmacy service in which doctors wrote prescriptions on formatted inpatient drug charts and nurses used the charts to determine the doses to be given and to record the administration of drugs. IV medication in general was prepared and administere d on the wards by nursing staff, with the exception of cytotoxic medication, which was prepared centrally by the pharmacy department. This disguised, observation method has been shown to be valid for identification of medication errors. Each case of IV medications error was analyzed to identity the main active failure and the factors contributing to this error. Medication was omitted because of failures in communication in 14 errors (16%). This occurred when patients were transferred between wards and information on drug administration was not communicated. Communication problems between doctors and nurses included ambiguous hand written prescriptions. These cases also indicated failures in adequately using and checking patient's drug charts. High workload and distractions when carrying out several tasks at the same time were observed in 13 errors ( Taxis 2003)) A prospective audit was carried out by Cousins D.H (2005) by direct

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Tactics during Donation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Tactics during Donation - Essay Example In other words, the tactic can be said to mean that as long as an individual has donated, the donated amount is helpful regardless of the amount. This tactic is used as an encouragement the donors that the donation process will achieve the targeted goals that may include eradicating poverty in the society. The steps refer to the charity organizations’ strategies to ensure that the donations received have been utilized towards attaining achievable objectives for the donor’s money, which facilitate increased donations. The tactic phrased in terms of a question means that individuals have the will for donations, and they will donate several bucks in during the donation. This implies reciprocity and provides an encouraging message for more donors towards donating towards a donation exercise. In other words, it means that I donate first for other to follow suit or motivate and convince others to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International business article Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International business article - Assignment Example Last June Bharti Aitel, India’s largest mobile provider, paid $9 billion to acquire the cellular operations of Kuwait Zain. One of the reasons for the acquisitions of African companies is that compared to India the valuation of these companies are much more attractive. â€Å"The Indians view Africa as a place they can where they can replicate the low-cost, high efficiency business model they have honed at home† (Srivastava & Subramaniam). Africa has a lot of people that are eager to buy consumer goods. Consumer spending in Africa will double in the next decade to reach $1.8 trillion by the year 2020. The African people have been deprived of basic consumer goods for a long time and they are eager to increase participation in the consumer markets. Indian companies visualize Africa as a place they can continue to achieve growth due to the fact that business activity is slowing down at home. Indian companies also want to take advantage of the lower regulatory requirement av ailable for investors in Africa. The article mentions a lot of the advantages that the African continent represents for India businesses. It seems as if the Indian business people want to exploit the African market in order to improve their sales numbers and profitability. Africa is one of the poorest regions in the entire world particularly the Sub-Saharan African region. The article was a bit one side as far as illustrating the advantages that Africa offered to India and not letting the reader know how Africa is going to benefit from the Indian involvement in Africa. Some of the large acquisitions mentioned in the article made a lot of sense from a business standpoint. Due to the fact that Africa has very poor infrastructure landlines are barely available. Most Africans that desire to communicate with each other must utilize mobile technology. It would be smart the African mobile company to offer prepaid mobile services since they are cheaper to acquire which increases the amount

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Strategic Management - Essay Example ALDI opted for conservative methods to offer better quality and reduced prices. The strategy is presented to hold numerous benefits in expansion and retention of an increased market share. Furthermore, ALDI utilizes cheaper measures in advertising as compared to Amazon that spends majority of finances in marketing. This places ALDI at a paramount position to expand and increase the profits with increased income and reduced expenditure, especially in marketing (Stubblefield, 2006). The post critics on the shopping trends of consumers and the focus placed on the comparison of Aldi and Amazon. The German Aldi stores stock mostly their products and offer lower cart value at $0.25. The company saves money through failing to accept credit cards. This includes increased purchase of the cheap products to generate revenue. Amazon offers value in products through the online stores. This generates easier measures in shopping to offer the convenient sopping measures. These are the differences in the two stores with the consumers offered cheap expenses in Aldi and the convenient Amazon. These stores may serve as supplements in their positioning since they satisfy consumers in varied manners. The post offers the challenge on the preference of a company based on the strategies that they incorporate in their marketing

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

-Cell phone usages and Radiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

-Cell phone usages and Radiation - Essay Example The technology of cell phone has eliminated the factor of geographical distances and made the general population more socially connected. The acceptance rate of the cell phone technology can be realized by the fact that from the year 1990 up till 2011, the worldwide cell phone subscriptions raised from 12.4 million to over 6 billion, penetrating nearly 87% of the world population (MobiThinking). Cell phone technology may not be all that safe. Amidst the life of convenience offered by cell phones, the potential threat the cell phone technology may have to the health of humans can get ignored. On October 19, 2012, the Supreme Court in Rome (Italy) gave a ruling wherein a â€Å"causal link† was found to exist between the mobile phone and the illness of an Italian Company’s Director Innocente Marcolini, 60 (Routers, 2012). Marcolini was diagnosed to have developed a tumor (neurinoma affecting a cranial nerve) on the side of the head that he held his mobile phone to for 5-6 hours a day for 12 years. Cell phone technology works by emitting radiations. Whether these radiations are harmful to human health or not is a debate that has been pursued by many medical and environment bodies. This paper presents an overview of the radiations emitted by the cell phones and the safety standards set by the agencies. The possible impact on these radiations on human health and some safety tips to avoid the possible threats are also presented in the paper. Cell phones use a type of electromagnetic energy called radiofrequency (or simply RF) energy for communication. RF are the radio waves and microwaves. On the electromagnetic spectrum (shown in Figure 1), where the energy ranges from ones that have extremely low frequencies with long wavelengths to those that have extremely high frequencies with short wavelengths, the radio waves and microwaves lie between the two extremes. In the RF region, the frequencies are in the range of 3KHz to 300GHz.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Types of photography Essay Example for Free

Types of photography Essay i) Introduction Photography can be defined by the science which relates to the action of light on sensitive bodies in the production of pictures, the fixation of images, and the like. It also can be define by the art or process of producing pictures by this action of light. Photography is definitely worth a thousand words and it has the power to convey a whole new meaning of a particular situation. On these now days, photography may be a hobby to the teenagers and other some people but this hobby can be change to complete profession. A stunning photograph would be requiring the expertise of a skilful eye that is trained to capture moments in the best way possible. There are 3 types of photography that also make fantastic career options. ii) Body A. The first is fashion photography. i) This genre is one of the most lucrative kinds. ii) Photographs are one of the most effective ways of communication in the world of fashion. iii) Photography is used to bring attention to the clothes and accessories. iv) Fashion photography today, create particular look either in natural find their way in leading fashion magazine. v) These can cater to the niche crowd that loves to know the best in clothing and another fashion accessory. B. The second is wedding photography. i) Wedding photography is a specialized field of this art form which is dedicated to snapping the most memorable moments in various creative ways. ii) Can take his/her own approach towards this subject. iii) While some prefer the traditional ‘posed’ ways, there are others who base their pictures fashionable with particular themes if agreeable with the client. iv) Today, many people are willing to explore a new idea, which opens up many new creative avenues of experts in wedding photography. C. The third or the final is photojournalism. i) Photojournalism is all about telling a story about a particular event or incident through a single photograph. ii) This genre of photography is used mainly by publications to represent the latest news. iii) In this case, the photographer’s visual and the writer’s story should complement each other. For example, if a writer is making a specific mention of a particular location in the story, the photographer can find innovative ways to capture the same on camera. iv) Photojournalism can be further classified into: Documentary Photography, Street Photography, Celebrity Photography and Sports Photography. iii) Conclusion In conclusion, these various types of photography clearly give indication of the blossoming of this art form. Technology has made it possible to go beyond the obvious frames. Today, photography is all about combination of the expertise of the photographer as well as techniques. But the true sense, an excellent photographer would only need creativity and strong powers of observation to able to capture visuals that are truly beyond the ordinary.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Non Observance Of Grices Maxims

Non Observance Of Grices Maxims Grice pointed out that not all people observe the maxims, when the speaker fails to observe the maxims, this means that there is a distinction between what the speaker says and what he means, in other words, an implicature arises as a result of non-observance of the maxims, and the implicature here plays a great role to get the intended meaning of the speakers utterance. Grice distinguished five types by which the speaker fails to observe a maxim; they are flouting, violating, Infringing, opting out, and suspending. 1. Flouting a Maxim The speaker blatantly fails to observe a maxim in which he has no intention of deceiving or misleading. The speaker wishes to raise the hearers attention to the implicit meaning which is different from, or in addition to, the expressed meaning. According to Grice this additional meaning is called Conversational implicature and the way by which such implicature is generated is called flouting a Maxim (Grice, 1975:71).If the addressor and the addressee have shared the same background knowledge, the knowledge of interpretation is not the roles of linguistic forms but the knowledge of the world, then the implicature will accomplish (Couthared, 1987:8). 1.1 Flouting the maxim of quantity When the speaker blatantly gives more or less information that the situation requires, the speaker usually flouts this maxim because s/he uses insufficient words in conversation. In other words, the speaker gives incomplete words when s/he is speaking (Leech, 1983:140). For example: Women are women This utterance from the level of what is said is non informative, but it is informative at the level of what is implicated, and the hearers intention to such utterance depends on the ability to explain the speakers selection of this particular speech. The functions of flouting the quantity maxim are: Irony, Metaphor, Meiosis, Hyperbole, etc. (Grice, 1975:52- 53). 1.2 Flouting the maxim of quality In order not to get some punishments from addressee, addressor intends to say something untrue or lies and denies something. The speaker misrepresents his information in order to make the hearer understand the intended meaning of an utterance (Levinson, 1983:110). Example: Someone says to Xs wife, She is deceiving him this evening. From the context of the sentence, or from the tone or voice, it seems to be that the speaker has no adequate reason for supposing this to be the case, or possibly that she is the sort of person who would not stop short of such conduct (Grice, 1975:53-54). 1.3 Flouting the Maxim of relation The participant flouts this maxim in such a way makes the conversation unmatched, the participants topics are spoken in different ways; in this case the participant will change the topic by means of irrelevance topic of the partner of the conversation (Levinson, 1983:111). Example: A: Mrs. X is an old bag B: The weather has been quite delightful this summer, hasnt it? B has blatantly refused to make what he says relevant to As preceding remark. He implicated that As remark should not to be discussed; more specifically perhaps, A has committed a social gate (Grice, 1975:54). 1.4 Flouting the maxim of manner When the speaker says ambiguous language or uses another language which makes the utterance incomprehensible by addressee, this is the case of flouting the maxim of manner. Moreover, if the addressor uses slang or his voice is not loud enough s/he will flouts this maxim (Levinson, 1983:104). An example was given by Thomas (1995:71): Interviewer: Did the United States Government play any part in Duvaliers Departure? Did they, for example, actively encourage him to leave? Official: I would not try to steer you away from that conclusion. In the above example the official response is extremely long and convoluted and it is obviously no accident, nor through any inability to speak clearly, therefore, he has failed to observe the maxim of manner. The official has replied Yes. 2. Violating the maxims According to Grice (1975:49) the speaker violates a maxim when s/he will be liable to mislead the hearer to have such implicature. The speaker deliberately tries to make his utterance overt or to be noticed. This makes the hearer infers an implicature(Murray,2007).In the real life situations, many people tend to tell untruth and break the maxims of Grices cooperative principle when they communicate, they even do multiple violations for lying purposes(Gice,1975:45). People in real life tend to tell lies for different reasons: hide the truth, save face, feel jealous, satisfying the hearer, cheer the hearer, building ones belief, avoid hurting the hearer, and convincing the hearer. They believe that a lying is the natural tool to survive and to avoid them from anything that may put them in an inappropriate condition (Tupan Natalia, 2008:64-66). The talk of the non-observance of the four maxims is the same whether these maxims located in flouting, violating, and other non-observance, but the difference is in the kind of non-observance, therefore, in the following, the examples will be adequate to illustrate how speaker violates a maxim. 2.1 Violating the maxim of quantity The following example is a conversation between two friends John and Mike: John: Where have you been? I searched everywhere for you during the past three months! Mike: I wasnt around. So, whats the big deal? John poses a question, which he needs to be answered by Mike. What Mike says in return does not lack the truth, however is still insufficient. This can be due to the fact that Mike prefers to refrain from providing John with the answer. Johns sentence implies that Mike has not been around otherwise, he did not have to search everywhere. John does not say as much as it is necessary to make his contribution cooperative. Therefore, John violated quantity maxim (Khosravizadeh Sadehvandi, 2011:123). 2.2 Violating the maxim of quality The following example is a conversation between mother and her son: Mother: Did you study all day long? Son who has been playing all day long: Ive been studying till know! In this conversation, the boy is not truthful and he violates the maxim of quality. He lied to avoid unpleasant consequences such as, punishment or to be forced to study for the rest of the day (Ibid: 122-123). 2.3 Violating the maxim of relation The following is an example of conversation between a teacher and one of his students; Teacher: Why didnt you do your homework? Student: May I go and get some water? Im so thirsty. In this example the students answer is by no means irrelevant to the teachers question. One reason for this answer can be the fact that the student is trying to evade the interrogation posed by the teacher (Ibid: 123). 2.4 Violating the maxim of manner The following is an example of conversation between two friends Sara and Anna: Sara: Did you enjoy the party last night? Anna: There was plenty of oriental food on the table, lots of flowers all over the place, people hanging around chatting with each otherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Sara asked a very simple question, however what she receives from Anna is a protracted description of what was going on in the party. Two interpretations can be made from Annas description: 1.Anna had such a good time and2. She does not know how to complain about it. Anna is ambiguous; therefore, she violated the maxim of manner (Ibid: 123). 3. Infringing the maxims When the speaker has an imperfect knowledge or performance of language, the speaker here infringes the maxims like a young child or a learner of foreign language who has imperfect command of the language. Furthermore; nervousness, darkness, excitement may make impairment of the speakers performance, in these cases s/he does the infringement (Thomas, 1995:74).Sometimes speaker infringes the maxims because he is incapable to speak clearly, he does not know the culture or he has not enough knowledge of language. For example: Someone learning English as a second language speaks to a native speaker. English speaker: Would you like ham or salad on your sandwich? Non-English speaker: Yes The implicature has not been generated by interlocutor; s/he has not understood the utterance. The answer might be interpreted as non-operative; this is a case of different social knowledge which implied a different implicature (Dornerus, 2006:7). The difference between violating and infringing located in the fact of speakers intention; in violating the speaker is liable to mislead the hearer, whereas in infringing the speaker unintentionally fails to observe a maxim. Violating is a kind of misleading the hearer to get implicatures, the speaker here intends to mislead in order to save face or avoid hurting the audiences. Infringement occurs when a speaker fails to observe the maxim because he has no perfect knowledge to communicate. 4. Opting out the maxims When the speaker opts out from the maxim, s/he seems unwilling to cooperate in the way the maxim requires (Grice, 1975:71). Moreover, Thomas (1995:74) said that the example of opting out occurs frequently in public life, when the speaker cannot, perhaps for legal or ethical reason, reply in the way normally expected. The speaker usually wishes to avoid generating a false implicature or appearing uncooperative. Thomas also stated that giving the requested information might hurt a third party or put them in danger. For example: If a doctor or a nurse, who has complete confidentiality regarding his/her patients, is asked by the police or the press to reveal something about the patient that s/he is treating, he /she will reply: A: I am sorry but cant tell you anything. The doctor or nurse opted out maxim when s/he prevented from answering; the doctor seems to be unwilling to cooperate, due to the procedures of the hospital or for the sake of secret information or something else. (Dornerus, 2006:7). 5. Suspending the Maxims If there is no expectation on the part of any participant that the maxims will be fulfilled (hence the non-fulfillment does not generate any implicatures), the speakers do not observe the maxims. It may be culturally-specific to a particular event. The suspending of the maxim of quality can be found in funeral orations and obituaries, when the description of the deceased needs to be praiseworthy and exclude any potentially unfavorable aspects of their life or personality. Poetry suspends the manner maxim since it does not aim for conciseness, clarity and lack of ambiguity. In the case of telegrams, telexes and some international phone calls quantity maxim will be suspended because such means are functional owing to their very brevity .It is difficult to find any persuasive examples in which the maxim of relation is suspended (Thomas, 1995:76-78). 2. Methodology 2.1 Research questions Grice in 1975 developed the idea of cooperative principle; he has claimed that the speakers should observe the maxims to achieve the aim of communication. The study aims to analyze English proverbs from the perspective of cooperative principle. This study intends to answer the following three questions: 1. Are the English proverbs constructed by observance or non-observance of Grices maxims? 2. Which maxim failed to be observed more than others, and why? 3. Which kind of non-observance is used to construct English proverbs more than others, and why? 2.2 Data collection There are various sources of English proverbs and there are thousands of English proverbs around the world, these sources can not be absorbed in this thesis, therefore, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs will be the only approved source for this study. This dictionary edited by John Simpson and Jennifer Speake in 1998. This invaluable work of reference provides over 1000 of the best known English proverbs from around the world and commonly used in 20th century Britain. Proverbs in this dictionary arranged alphabetically by the first significant word, each one includes illustrative quotations, beginning with the earliest known use. The choice of proverbs in English language to be a data in this study is based on several reasons: firstly, English is a native language for people in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Secondly, English became the second language in many countries around the world. Thirdly, English language is taught as a foreign language in the unive rsities, primary and secondary schools in most countries in Asia, Africa. English become a language of communication in broadcast, diplomacy working, and journalism. The dirty proverbs (if found) will be excluded from the study. 2.3 Research procedures This thesis is an investigation of English proverbs based on the theory of the Cooperative Principle; the non-observance of Grices maxims will be a framework to analyze the collected data. Qualitative and quantitative approaches will be adopted in this study. Qualitative study will be done to explore the observance and non-observance of Grices maxims. Quantitative study will be used to measure the frequency of observance and non-observance laid in the English proverbs and to promote the results. 3. Results and Discussion The following are one hundred of English proverbs chosen to illustrate the procedures followed in this study. The data will classify into groups according to the significant words shared by each group. Both qualitative and quantitative study will adopt: 3.1 The result of quantitative study The quantitative study reveals that the most of groups of English proverbs do not observe the Grices maxims (non-observance), the study shows that 87% of proverbs are flouted, except 13% observed Grices maxims. They are as follows: The maxim of quality is flouted (40) times, and gains 40% The maxim of manner is flouted (32) times, and gains 32% The maxim of quantity is flouted (15%) time, and gains 15% The result showed no flouting in the maxim of relation. The result shows that flouting is the only kind of non-observance that used to construct English proverbs it gains 87% from the total of proverbs, the results reveals that the maxim of quality gains a high percentage of flouting it gains 40% this percentage shows that the non-observance of these maxims is contributes in creating the function of proverbs. The maxim of manner gains the second percentage 32%, the lowest percentage of flouting is gains 15% which break the maxim of quantity. The observance of Grices maxim gains the lowest percentage 13% which states that a few numbers of English proverbs can achieve the function of proverbs. The following table shows the details of frequencies and percentages of English proverbs for each group:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Environmental challenges of the airline industry

Environmental challenges of the airline industry The airline industry has to face one of its biggest challenges yet, in a world today of global recession, global warming and increasing shortages of raw materials. These factors as well as other challenges included in the analysis of the marketing environment of Aer Arann will be explained, so that to analyse how it can succeed and survive among its competitors. PESTEL: Political The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is a step to face climate change and it aims to control industrial greenhouse gas emissions. It was launched in 2005 and it imposes a limit on the total amount of gas emissions that a factory or other systems are allowed to have. So companies can receive emission allowances which they may sell or buy when it is needed. The Airline industry will join the scheme in 2012 since it contributes increasingly to climate change. Emissions in this industry were increased by 100% from 1990 to 2006 (, 22/11/2010). This situation creates a long-term challenge for Aer Arann, because their costs will increase. Fortunately in 2006 Aer Arann made a purchase of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬180 million for ten new ATR 72-500 aircraft which are environmentally friendly since they have lower emissions of CO2, because of reduced fuel burn. They use up to 70% less fuel than other jets travelling the same routes. However they will still have to comply to the new em issions regulation so their costs will increase (, 22/11/2010). Garry Cullen, Managing Director stated: Aer Arann is committed to the principles of energy efficiency. Whilst the contribution of the aviation industry towards global warming is significantly less than other large polluters, our new ATR aircraft are recognised as the most fuel efficient aircraft in their category, emitting 20% less CO2 per passenger-km than newer jets. The ATR operates more efficiently than jet aircraft on short-haul routes (, 22/11/2010). Economic During the economic crisis customers do not travel so often whether it is for leisure or business so the demand falls. Aer Aranns passenger numbers went down by 20% in 2008 and that is why they announced 20% sale at that time even though a few months earlier they had carried a record number of passengers (, 23/11/2010). The subject of the annual general meeting of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Berlin 2010 was that Airlines look to overcome industry turbulence and cope with an oil price spike, a big drop in passenger numbers due to the global downturn and the volcanic ash cloud recently in Europe. Despite all these negative factors, IATAs latest figures show that global air traffic is back at the levels it was before the recession started. However profit margins for airlines are still tight (, 23/11/2010). Article reporter states: Northern Ireland has become one of the fiercest battlegrounds in the cut-price flight business. Budget airlines argue that the recession could actually be helpful for them in the long term for the reason that business travellers would switch to low-fares carriers ( 23/11/2010). Exchange rate variations can affect demand for air transport because customers will prefer to purchase a ticket when the rate will be better for them. Aer Arann operates a route from LOrient to the UK so it is significantly affected as pound to euro currency can change. Much of the initial growth and success of the company is due to the fact that Aer Arann has a competitive advantage among its competitors. Much of this development is due to the company being awarded Public Service Obligation (PSO) routes by the government (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). PSO routes are given by the government to the airline to create access to and from specific regions which were not supported by commercially operated services (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). The PSO routes are aiming to encourage tourism and business travellers to access these regions by air and not only with other means of transport. When an airline is awarded with a PSO route it has exclusivity on it for three years, so it is a good source of profit. Aer Arann gained almost à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬18.5 million from PSO routes in the past (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). Aer Arann was awarded by the Irish Government to operate in Ireland nationally, from Dublin to Galway, Sligo, Donegal and Kerry (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). Some of thes e locations are airports with shorter runways and this is an advantage for Aer Arann because of the small aircraft it operates. However PSO routes are awarded for three years only so Aer Arann should not be based on them on the longer term. There is not so much competition in PSO routes from other airlines when they do not have permission from the government except Loganair which operates some of the PSO routes in Ireland. Socio-cultural The airline industry as we know from the past can be affected negatively by global socio-cultural factors such as diseases and terrorism attacks. Some of them are the SARS, swine flu, terrorism attacks in London and September 11th in New York (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). For these reasons Airline companies and airports worldwide were challenged to evolve their policies and procedures and spent further costs and time in the safety of the customers (, 24/11/2010). The other aspect of socio-cultural factors affecting the airline industry has to do with trends, social structure, income and the culture in general of the customers. For example each individual will act in accordance with his/her social and geographical space and travel where friends will travel or where it is the best option for that season. So as the society changes, so must the airline industry if it intends to succeed. Technological Technology had a huge impact on consumers lives and companies profits. Technological evolution can offer opportunities for new product development and threats to existing markets. So marketing now is conducted differently because internet technology has allowed companies to communicate with the customers and distribute their product differently and more efficiently. This is called digital marketing (D.Jobber, 2007, p.67). In the case of Aer Arann the new product development is the online booking system they had launched successfully in 2006 and the threatened existing market are the travel agents. Online bookings are currently 80% of all Aer Arann sales (, 24/11/2010). Micheal OCallarain, Marketing Manager, Aer Arann said: We are continually looking at ways to enhance our service and believe that this new online functionality will prove invaluable to many of our passengers (, 24/11/2010). On the other hand it is not always a positive aspect because now consumers are more informed and have more access to information with a wider choice of airlines to choose from, so the airlines should lower their prices in order to compete with each other. Environmental One of the most important environmental factors concerning the world nowadays is global warming and climate change caused by greenhouse gases and this is why EU ETS exists. As every form of industry in the world has to consider this and comply with the emissions regulations so as the airline industry has to do it, at extra costs because it contributes to the air pollution (, 24/11/2010). Other physical environmental factors have affected the UK, the worldwide economy and especially airlines. The eruption of the Icelandic volcano a few months ago with the biggest ash cloud over Europe caused disruption for thousands of travellers in Europe and rest of the world (, 24/11/2010). At that time most of the EU countries were not allowed to operate any flights, so the effect on costs of the airlines was huge (, 24/11/2010). Met Office issued severe weather warnings for icy roads and snow for central and eastern Scotland and eastern parts of Northern Ireland these days. Several flights have been cancelled in the north of England after more heavy snowfall and Durham Tees Valley Airport and Newcastle Airport were closed (, 29/11/2010). The increasing shortages of raw material, specifically oil is another environmental factor which is not in favour of Aer Arann. Oil is a non-renewable source and it is impossible for most industries to exist without it. Fluctuations in oil prices happen all the time depending on different factors, therefore an increase in price will mean that Aer Arann should be prepared for it in the long run, unless a contract with its supplier is signed which will state a standard price for a long time. However a positive aspect to this factor is that Aer Arann is operating the ten new ATR 72-500 aircraft which are much more economical and need less fuel than other jets. So an increase in prices will affect more other airlines and less Aer Arann. It is worth mentioning here the economic situation in Ireland since Aer Arann is an Irish Carrier and it is affected. Reuters states that oil increased to a two-week high after the European Union approved a rescue plan for Ireland. Oil lost its upward cha nge after rising for two weeks as the rescue plan for Ireland failed to calm the concerns about the health of other EU members (, 29/11/2010). Legal The government has increased taxation of the airline industry. The Independent states that the increase in 2010 of Air Passenger Duty (APD) will make family holidays unaffordable for many (, 27/11/2010). It certainly has to be the last time that the travelling public faces APD rises. Some also suggest replacing APD with a per-plane tax, so customers could choose between airlines but not all the travel industry will agree on this. From the 1st of November 2010 passengers will have to pay for APD a percentage increase from 9% up to 55% depending on how many miles they are travelling in contrast with last year (, 27/11/2010). This is why in such economic situations people prefer to travel by car, bus or train to closer locations for holidays rather than by plane so airline industries are concerned (, 29/11/2010). Aer Arann ´s customers will have to face these new taxes but these shouldn ´t cause high price rise because Aer Arann is a regional airline which operates in the UK, Ireland and some routes from LOrient. So its customers will not have to worry for APD up to 55% since they do not travel so many miles. PORTER ´S FIVE FORCES Threat of Entry Existing airlines such as Aer Arann are not concerned so much about new entries in the airline industry but are more concerned with the existing competition they have from similar types of airlines operating the same routes and have similar prices. In the airline industry there is not so much thread of new airlines since the costs for new entries are huge. The required initial capital is massive, professional experience in this field is required, operation costs are huge and the assets and financing will cost a lot as well. Furthermore airline companies need to comply with EU and International regulations and they need approval for flight operations. Threat of substitutes The more actual or potential substitutes exist for the product, the more unattractive the segment is (Kotler, 2009, p.305). Aer Arann does not only compete with other airlines but also with other modes of transport since it is a regional airline. These substitutes for air transport are road, rail, bus and ferry (D.Jobber, 2007, p.69). These substitutes affect the prices that Aer Arann offers and its profits. The advantage of air travelling is that it is much faster, although increased delays at airports due to safety precautions and air traffic control delays have lengthened the time needed. These substitutes may need more time to arrive to each destination but they cost much less and this is why Aer Arann has so low prices and makes offers and discounts. Business travellers are more likely to choose the airline transportation since they have to get to their destination quickly and they do not always worry about the extra cost because their companies may pay for it. Leisure traveller s are more likely to choose the other modes of transport since they are cheaper or they might want to enjoy the journey. Bargaining power of buyers A product or service becomes unattractive when buyers have strong bargaining power. This power becomes stronger when buyers are better informed so they are more selective, when switching costs are low, or when buyers are price sensitive because of the recession. The way they become more organised is the internet, so the best option for AerArann is to make superior offers (Kotler, 2009, p.305). Buyer power in PSO routes is not so strong because Aer Arann was awarded four out of six PSO routes in Ireland. However there is competition in commercial routes by Ryanair and Loganair. This is where buyer power is high because switching costs are not much or even in some cases Rynairs prices are lower. For example the ticket price from Aer Arann for the 1st of December 2010 to travel from Dublin to Edinburgh costs  £139.99 but from Ryanair costs only  £44.99 same day, same route (,, 29/11/2010). Bargaining power of suppliers The threat from bargaining power of suppliers is high for Aer Arann. Suppliers are becoming more powerful since there are few or no substitutes at all and the product is an important input. The product in the case of Aer Arann if fuel which is an absolute necessity for airlines. Aer Arann has to deal with unstable prices because of the limited amount of oil reserves. The best way to face this problem is to have good relationships with the suppliers and sign a contract with them for a certain period of time at a reasonable price so that Aer Arann will not be affected when oil prices are increased again. Airports are also considered as a high power supplier. Aer Arann has to face increasing charges from the airports is operates. These charges include runway movement charge, aircraft parking, air bridge use and passenger charge. Dublin Airport and Shannon Airport are considering increases in charges (,, 29/11/2010). Aer Arann should create trustworthy relationships together with the airports and this is why a five-year deal was announced with Southend Airport (, 29/11/2010) Competitive Rivalry Competitive rivalry is a challenge that Aer Arann has to consider in order to succeed. There is not much competition on PSO routes except from Loganair which operates two PSO routes. On the commercially operated routes there is a lot of competition mainly from Ryanair, Aer Lingus and British Airways. However Aer Arann and Aer Lingus have announced a franchise agreement between them for specific routes (, 28/11/2010). Aer Arann is known as one of the fastest-growing regional airlines in Europe because of the strategy it follows and the competitive advantage it has (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). The strategy of the company includes no chech-in fees, lowest check-in time in Ireland, allocated seating and direct flight to where customers want (, 28/11/2010). A disadvantage emerging from the competition is that Ryanair is considered a leading low cost operator and this is justified by some lower cost offers than Aer Arann so it is a big challenge. However Ryanair operates larger types of aircraft so they are not able to use shorter runways as Aer Arann and Ryanair will have to spend much more for emission allowances. (2) What marketing recommendations would you make to Aer Arann in order for it to enjoy sustained and ongoing commercial success? One of the most important aspects and key factors for the success of Aer Arann is the leadership and governance structure. Through the development of an excellent leadership the company is guaranteed to go the right way in the future. The experience and capabilities of employees are ingredients to the successful running of the business. Quality in the management of the company is crucial in order to face the challenges of the future, to make the right decisions when required and most importantly to push the business forward rather than let it fall down to the bottom when harsh situations arise. Another suggestion which also has to do with the companys actors, concerns the right selection of employees. The companys employees can be described as valuable assets because they affect directly the good will and reputation of the company. The relationship between customers and employees is very important in order to achieve long-term and repetitive sales and therefore profit maximization. Therefore, careful selection of the staff is required and qualifications such as professionalism, willingness, friendliness and courteousness, should be fundamental criteria. The promotion of Aer Arann through the various travelling and business magazines is another suggestion to boost the performance of the business. A range of marketing strategies such as special offers, discounts and awards can be promoted on the website of the company, in order to attract the attention of the customers. For example, to make the company well-known through internet advertisements, online social networks and Google. Aer Araan should seek for the best supplier option and build good relationships with them. If the company enters into a contract with its fuel supplier for supplying them with fuel for an agreed price over a certain period, then the company will be able to save costs from the rising prices for fuel. Also, another important idea for Aer Arann, will be to watch carefully the activities of their competitors in order to be prepared for their strategies. By keeping an eye on the progression of other companies, will help them not only to predict but also to compete with their activities. For example, Rynairs low-cost fares offers during selected days of the week will be a good starting point to be replicated. Furthermore, the creation of a loyal customer award scheme is another strategic proposal for the company. It will work on the basis of collecting points when buying a ticket and after a completion of a certain amount of points the customer will be able to exchange those points with a free ticket or a discount on a ticket. By applying this scheme, the company will attract more customers and also will secure returning customers. In the field of the corporate social responsibility of the company, there is a proposal to associate itself with green activities. The awareness of our society for the environment has increased significantly over the past decades and any kind of help from the company would be appreciated by the customers and the society as a whole. For example, short-term campaigns that will donate a small amount from the price of the ticket for environmental purposes can be organised periodically. This will significantly help to improve companys reputation. Another idea that the company can adopt, is the involvement with the sports teams of the country. Aer Arann can attempt a partnership with sports teams in Ireland or the UK and be the exclusive airline for these teams. Also they can be sponsors of important sports events and teams in order to promote the company and strengthen their reputation. Finally, the company is suggested to assess which routes are more profitable and minimize the number of flights which are less profitable and even suspend those which are non-profitable. Moreover, the company in order to be able to develop and produce what customers demand, is suggested to carry out some customer-satisfaction and evaluation researches which will be focusing on aspects such as customer satisfaction, services assessment, opinion about the prices. Then the company will be able to improve any weaknesses.

Acid Rain :: Free Essay Writer

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Acid Rain   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem increases, many people believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now this issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. In the following paragraphs I will be discussing the impact it has on the wildlife and how our atmosphere is being destroyed by acid rain. There is evidence that the rain is destroying the productivity of the once rich soils, like an overdose of chemical fertilizer. The damage of such overdosing may not be repairable or reversible. On some croplands, tomatoes grow to only half their full weight, and the leaves of radishes wither. Naturally it rains on cities too, eating away stone monuments and concrete structures, and corroding the pipes that channel the water away to the lakes and the cycle is repeated. Paints and automobile paints have its life reduce due to the pollution in the atmosphere speeding up the corrosion process. In some communities the drinking water is mixed with toxic metals freed from metal pipes by the acidity. As if urban skies were not already gray enough, typical visibility has declined from 10 to 4 miles, along the Eastern seaboard, as acid rain turns into smog. Also, now there are indicators that the components of acid rain are a health risk, linked to human respiratory disease. Not only is acid rain killing our plants and animals, it is killing our budget, in addition to contributing to acid rain, nitrogen oxides can react with hydrocarbons to produce ozone, a major air pollutant responsible in the United States for annual losses of $2 billion to 4.5 billion worth of wheat, corn, soybeans, and peanuts. A wide range of interactions can occur many unknown with toxic metals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of the 20th century most rivers/lakes like the river Tovdal in Norway had not yet begun to die. However by 1926 local inspectors were noticing that many of the lakes were beginning to show signs of death. Fish were found dead along the banks of many rivers. As the winters ice began to melt off more and more hundreds upon hundreds more dead fish (trout in particular) were being found. It was at this time that scientist began to search for the reason. As the scientists continued to work they found many piles of dead fish, up to 5000 in one pile, further up the river.

Friday, July 19, 2019

New Computer Build :: essays research papers

New Gaming and Over Clocking Computer Build Building a new computer can be quite complicated and time consuming. You should take just as much care in researching each component as you would installing them into your system. It is crucial that the component fit your purpose, provide stability, and work well with the other components you select. For my system, I have chosen components that have been thoroughly tested and approved by respected people in the technology field.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The centerpiece of this system is of course the motherboard. I wanted something that was cutting edge but also stable. Ease of use is important, as well as compatibility. I plan to do some over-clocking so this feature was also of great importance to me. After sifting through many reviews I rested on the ASUS P5AD2 Premium, because of its immense offerings and satisfactory reviews. This board supports all of the latest features including SATA, PCI-Express, DDR2, and it accepts the new socket 775 Pentium 4. These features will allow me to use the fastest hardware made for consumers today and hopefully allow this computer to play the latest games for years to come. The board also comes with an impressive list of onboard features. It incorporates 8 channel onboard sound which will suit my needs and save me the expense of buying a separate sound card. It also has two onboard gigabit Ethernet ports and, onboard wireless G with an external antenna which should more than handle anyone’s networking needs. This motherboard has the most advanced feature set I could find available. ASUS has also made great advancements in over clocking with this board. All you need is the most recent bios and you can now unlock the clock multiplier on the Prescott Pentium 4. Until now this was only achievable through the use of an AMD processor but now offers this option with the newest Pentium family. Because heat has been a problem with the Prescott processors ASUS has also introduced â€Å"Stack Cool† this is simply placing another PCB on the underside of the board to dissipate heat. This helps improve stability and increase the life of components.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For the processor I have chosen the Intel LGA775 Pentium 4 550. This 3.4 GHz, 800MHz front side bus processor is a very good choice for over-clocking and even at stock speeds it screams. Although the Prescott processors don’t score much higher than the Northwood processors in benchmarking at stock speeds, the over-clocking factor really comes into play here.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Race and Crime in America Essay

How do people from different entities in the United States perceive race as it relates to the criminal justice system? This was the question asked to ten different people in different locations of the United States. In additional to this question a different group of participants were asked if they believe that the criminal justice system is racist? In this paper I propose that most people in the United States have a very negative perception about the criminal justice and its promises. I concluded this based on face to face interviews I did with participants and through electronic responses. Regardless of their race, values, beliefs, social class, gender and age all the participants of my research paper agree on that there is a connection between race and crime in America. To some the criminal justice system is not as blind as it is perceived to be. Some of the participants have little understanding of the law system and its different components. Some not fully competent to be subject matter experts to determine if crime and race connect however, they all have the same generalization about the law, law enforcement and law discrimination. The public receives much of their impressions and knowledge of the criminal justice system through the mass media. Top-rated television programs, such as Cable News Network (CNN) are delivering news on crime on an everyday basis. What people actually know, or think they know, about the criminal justice system can sometimes be interpreted as a form of ignorance of what is known to be mandatory knowledge in order to be law-abiding citizens in any society. As nonchalant some things may sound the public relies on the media to feed them the lasted and most accurate news, but this is not always true. In today’s American society, race and crime go hand in hand. Day after day there is news reports about people of various racial backgrounds involved in criminal activities ranging in different p arts of the country. In the world today we face many different problems. Issues that throughout  the years have been improved but never resolved. Throughout the United States crime continues to be one of our increasing problems within the minorities. Many people believe that crime it’s a problem on its own that is now being related to race. In today’s American society, race and crime go hand in hand. Day after day there is news reports about people of various racial backgrounds involved in criminal activities ranging in different parts of the country. As I did my research I chose a specific case that happened in Queens, New York on November 25, 2006. A young man by the name of Sean Bell was out in a strip club with a couple of his friends celebrating that he was getting married. Later that evening Sean Bell and his friends were being shot at by a couple of police detectives who believed they were armed causing the death of Mr. Bell. A similar case had occurred a couple of years back in 1999 with a young man by the name of Amadou Diallo who was fired 41 shots by police. The relevance of these two stories is that both of these men were black and according to the reports were both unarmed. Which leads to the question that many people have why these two young men are no longer here? This is where race plays a role. Looking into statistics there are a higher percent of black, Latino, and Asian crimes as there is whites. I believed these statistics are like this because they way authority figures are handling some situations especially against minorities. According to an article in the New York Times by Heather Mac Donald called â€Å"Distorting the Truth about Crime and Race†. She states that Black and Latinos are nine times more likely to be stopped by a police officer than whites. Attitudes like these are a major part of the unresolved problems we have today. Situations like Mr. Bell and Mr. Diallo are the results to the police aggression and even though authorities may deny that it has nothing to do with race. It has been a major controversy throughout the United States on why these situations still have a one thing in common race. We as a society need to gain a clearer understanding of the vast relationship between law and society. Why is there such a large connection? Why is it that is always one race that is always the target? What changes need to occur so we can change the perception of the law? Are we still a segregated country? Are we trying to change or are we just turning the other cheek? These were some of the additional questions I ask my responders. I conducted the survey through an online blogs and face to face  questionnaires. I based my questions on the location of participants and on the prior knowledge I knew they have with the criminal justice system; own encounters or experiences family members of theirs have had. The group that I targeted was mainly individuals with a higher education level of a High school diploma. I felt this was a better group to target instead of a younger crowd that I think regardless of their faults, mishap in life always look at someone or something else to blame for their current situation. I wanted a group of individuals that would look at crime and race in a three dimensional perspective and not from a tunnel vision view. Not every member in society beliefs that a person is responsible for their own destiny and that is something I am a strong believer in. It was difficult to get more inputs with individuals on the blog rather than it was getting information from individuals face to face. I am not sure why this was such a critical topic but it brought out some significant emotional event that an individual has or had experience or even a family member of theirs. * Andre Ceballos an undergraduate student at Cornell University, Hispanic male 26 years old, born and raised in New York City said â€Å"The population of prisons around the country definitely answers that question, it’s a damn shame†. * Amir Vasquez undergraduate student at Virginia State university, Hispanic male, 30 years old, born in the Dominican Republic raised in New York City Currently living in Colonial Heights, Virginia said â€Å"just take a look at Colonial White, sorry I meant Colonial Heights, where I live schools are great, free after school programs the whole nine yards, then look across the river in the city of Petersburg their high schools are not even certified and some schools missing windows and things†. My point is minorities usually don’t get a fair shake in education which leads to crime† Mr. Vasquez seems to be speaking from a functionalist perspective, he is blaming society for not offering a better education system that whe n is not provided there is not much to look forward to besides doing criminal activity . * Keisha Brown an undergraduate student at South Carolina University, African America female 25 years old, born and raised in Brooklyn, New Yorkbeaten and killed by a group of white men for alledgedly whistling at a white woman†¦ at that time, the color of his skin caused him to be a target for such a violent crime by the ‘white man’ who at those times did anything they could to make sure african americans did not survive  in their â€Å"white-only† society†¦there’s martin luther king, and even abraham lincoln who were all killed because of something to do with racism. even though lincoln was a white republican, he was the one who abolished slavery. his decision set him aside from the rest of his counterparts. yes, if you dig deeper into his history there are claims that he had slaves as servants etc, but the point im trying to make is that he actually put forth the effort to end slavery. Martin luther king was killed bc of the color of his skin and the rights that he fought for†¦ im stating facts from the past but it can be used as an introduction for your paper. oh yeah and to sum up my argument, even though those events were of the past, it has still followed the african american race even to the present day†¦ black and hispanic children in inner city communities have it even worse than any other child in america. Their race is what keeps them oppressed and from recieving the oppropriate education and solid cultural security that a white child gets living in a blue collar upper class suburban area. Therefore, when that black of hispanic child attempts to leave behind that inner city image, they cannot shake it b/c for so long theyve been treated like crimals and the scum of the earth, most of them have no choice but to turn to crime and violence just to get by in america. sry if i talked ur head off mami but i love talkin ab this type of stuff lol said â€Å" To help answer your question there is definitely a connection with race and crime in America. It has been an issue since the days of slavery, civil rights, and segregation. you can even go as far as to mention Emmitt Till who was brutally beaten and killed by a group of white men for allegedly whistling at a white woman at that time, the color of his skin caused him to be a target for such a violent crime by the ‘white man’ who at those times did anything they could to make sure African Americans did not survive in their â€Å"white-only† society, there’s Martin Luther King, and even Abraham Lincoln who were all killed because of something to do with racism. Even though Lincoln was a white republican, he was the one who abolished slavery. His decision set him aside from the rest of his counterparts. Yes, if we dig deeper into his history there are claims that he had slaves as servants etc., but the point I am trying to make is that he actually put forth the effort to end slavery. Martin Luther king was killed because of the color of his skin and the rights that he fought for. I am stating facts from the past and to sum up my  argument, even though those events were of the past, it has still followed the African American race even to the present day. Black and Hispanic children in inner city communities have it even worse than any other child in America. Their race is what keeps them oppressed and from receiving the appropriate education and solid cultural security that a white child gets living in a blue collar upper class suburban area. Therefore, when that black of Hispanic child attempts to leave behind that inner city image, they c annot shake it because for so long they’ve been treated like criminals and the scum of the earth, most of them have no choice but to turn to crime and violence just to get by in America†. * Terry Powell an African America male, 34 years old born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana currently in college said â€Å"There is not a connection between crime and race because any race can commit a crime and this is clearly seen with white-collar crimes. Crime is seen in different locations high class communities as well as low class communities†. * Christina Bailey an African American female 23 years old, born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana currently in college said â€Å"Yes, there is a connection because we as a society are not focusing on helping one another; we are focus only on helping self. With a mind frame like this the less fortunate will continue to commit crimes just so they can survive in America and needless to say the less fortunate race groups are the African Americans†. * Jacob Weber a white male 26 years old, currently living in Hawaii, in his second year in college said â€Å"Depending on the area that one lives, does crime and race have a connection. There is just a double standard in the system, and not until people that are neutral working in those positions will the system see any changes. The socialization agents play a major role, but regardless whites are more privilege than any other race†. * Miguel Perez a Hispanic male 32 years old, from Texas said â€Å" It depends on the area but minorities are seem to always be the target and because of the racism that is not seen through the naked eye minorities get the least support from the system† * Claudia Perez a Hispanic female 31 years old, from Texas said â€Å"Racism is a significant factor that dictates how America act on a situation for instance our president because of him being biracial, the public wanted him to show proof of his birth certificate, no other president has b een asked to show this document to prove his race or birth location†. * John Pates an  African American male 40 years old, currently living in Hawaii said â€Å"Yes, through history it has been noted that the ratio between black men and white men in prison is not even although blacks and whites are committing the same crimes. * Carrie Williams a white female 30 years old born and raised in Richmond, Virginia currently in college said â€Å"Race and crime have a major connection especially southern states. In southern states you will always find a police officer patrolling neighborhoods of minorities more often than that of a white community. I have asked police officers why are they constantly patrolling my neighborhood and they said â€Å"You never know what these people are planning to do next† to me that was not an answer that a law enforcement should give a citizen. Police officers in the south need more education instead of just being told what benefits they will receive from being a police officer†. Resources that oppose my thesis were not easily accessible and were not of very much accreditation. These sources were more opinionated on the topic rather than stating facts. There are many articles that supported my thesis. It is very clear to me that race and crime is a complex issue to discuss and is very hard to be honest on this topic because of our country’s history and our current statistics. In an article in the Huffington Post the author is aware of the controversy of racism in our legal system but he is also aware of how can it be a debate when the facts are proving other wise and he states 14 examples on how the system is not fair â€Å"Saying the US criminal system is racist may be politically controversial in some circles. But the facts are overwhelming. No real debate about that†. (Quigley, 2010) Race and crime connectivity will be an issue for years to come. As a society we have to understand that not everyone will on a high social class because of many other reasons beside race. A fairness of the legal system is much needed and we need to stop looking at race when punishments are delivered we need to look at the concrete facts of a case. Bibliography Parker, R. (2008 , June 02). ParaPundit. Retrieved November 1, 2010, from Quigley, B. (2010, July 26). The Huffigton Post . Retrieved November 1, 2010, from